Privacy Policy

Privacy statement for


Dear User,

as “data subject” according to the European General Data Protection Regulation, your personal data is collected by to:

  • identify you and create a first access account;
  • consent your first user experience in a beta website version to collect possible useful feedback from the community
  • consent the access to listing through the search engine
  • consent the access to services devoted to the formation of short-term rental agreement between users.

At the same time you may express your consent to receive communications, by subscribing our newsletter: this will keep you in touch with updates and website new releases!
Here you can find complete Privacy statement in legal words.

Data Controller

Data controller is Fairbnb Network Società Cooperativa, with its registered offices in Bologna, via Alfredo Calzoni 1-3, CF: 03735181202. Fairbnb is owner of the website platform identified by the domain name, that is used to collect your personal information as detailed below. Contact information about privacy concern is:

Categories of personal data collected by and processing purposes website collects form the user different categories of personal data: internet-browsing technical data and data intentionally provided by the user for account registration and/or demo experience.

  • Internet-browsing technical data: information that allow communications between your device and the website such as: IP Addresses, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), access time and data, method used to request access to the site’s webserver and the answer received and other parameters such as the operative system of the client, relevant to fulfil technical requirements for browsing. This kind of data is collected only to permit site’s browsing and it’s cancelled immediately after leaving the website. Also cookies are part of this kind of data as they are small text files with exchange technical information used by your browser to manage and to enrich the experience. installs only first part technical cookies ad better described in the “cookie policy” statement.
  • Registration data: this is name, surname, email that user releases to the platform in the registration form or otherwise provide to us through social connections (Facebook or Google accounts). This information is collected to create user’s account on and to be notified of account’s upgrade. If expressly required by the user, email data will be processed for newsletter subscription.
  • Host Profile data: after registration phase, the User could access the “become a host” section to take confidence with the host panel. Personal data set should be inserted to verify identity as best as possible.
  • Payment data for host demo profile: Payment data details, id number e Vat number could be inserted for complete demo experience.
  • Listings/Apartments data: data related to properties that could be considered for listing on
Lawfulness of processing

According to art. 6 first paragraph of GDPR the legal bases for data processing are:

  • Internet-browsing technical data processing is necessary to allow website browsing by the user (data subject) and this has to be considered as the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party (see Terms of Use) according to lett. b) of article 6 of the GDPR.
  • Registration Data, Host Profile data, Payment data and Listing data processing is necessary to fulfil contractual obligations as set in the Terms of Use of the platform on and this implies the acceptance by the user/data subject of the Terms of Use, according to lett. b) of article 6 of the GDPR.
  • Registration Data, in particular email address, could be used for newsletter subscription and this purpose is possible only if the data subject has given consent to the processing, according to lett. a) of article 6 of the GDPR.
Place of data processing

Data collected according to this statement is stored and processed on servers and offices of Fairbnb Network Società Cooperativa all located in the European Union.

Recipients of personal data

Data processing will not include any dissemination or publication.
Data will be processed by:

  • data processor, acting on behalf of the data controller, such as:

– persons, companies or professional firms providing Fairbnb Network Società Cooperativa with advice and consulting in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial and debt collection matters related to the provision of terms of use;

  • subjects to engage with in order to provide the services (for instance, hosting providers) or the social projects which aims at selecting and promoting (for instance, key-partner working in selected geographical areas);
  • persons companies or professional firms providing Fairbnb Network Società Cooperativa with technical maintenance (including maintenance of hardware and software systems, network equipment and electronic communications networks);
  • subjects, bodies or authorities to disclose personal data to, in accordance with the provisions of law or under the orders of the authorities or in case of abuse reports to investigate complaints and identify the source of messages received from users;
  • persons authorised by Fairbnb Network Società Cooperativa to process data required for carrying out activities strictly related to the provision of the services: those authorised persons have undersigned specific agreement to grant confidentiality and correct behaviour according to data processing law;
  • business partners for their own autonomous and separate purposes, only if data subject has given specific consent.
Optional data conferment

The provision of personal data is absolutely necessary for website browsing.

In the other cases, data provision is not mandatory but constitutes a contractual requirement to create and manage the user’s fairbnb account and to provide newsletter subscription. In these cases, the data subject is obliged to provide the personal data avoiding the consequence of impossibility to create and to access his/her account and/or to receive the newsletter.

Processing method and duration

Personal data is processed by automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
According to this, the user may consider:

  • Internet-browsing technical data is processed strictly by the time technically necessary for the services required, while cookies follow rules according to the specific cookie policy.
  • Registration Data, Host Profile data, Payment data and Listing data provided to create user’s account and/or access “become a host” section on is stored until the user asks for profile’s cancelation. Data interested in service dispensed by the platform are cancelled after the terms provided by lax (tax, judicial, legal at all)
  • Registration data related to newsletter subscription is stored until the user withdraws his or her consent to receive such communications.

Rights of Data subject

The Data subject has the right:

  • To ask the data controller, pursuant to Article 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 21 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the access to their personal data and correction or their cancellation or limitation of the data processing that concern him/her or to object to their processing. In particular, you may object in whole or in part to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of sending advertising material or otherwise marketing communications. This opposition also extends automatically to commercial communications sent through traditional methods.
  • to withdraw your consent at any time, also pursuant to Article 13, second paragraph, lett. c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
  • to portability as provided in Article 20 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679
  • to submit a complaint to a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of the data you have provided violates the European regulation.

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